
Providing support, guidance, and compassionate care during a difficult time.

Of all the things that happen during your dog’s life – euthanasia is the most difficult decision that you as a pet owner will ever have to make (please visit this page if you are looking for information related to Cat euthanasia). We all at some point have to face the inevitable – the time when we have to face our own pet’s mortality. Every pet owner faces the final day with their beloved companion in different ways, but our pledge at Fairmont Animal Hospital is to help you through this painful and difficult process as best we can. We are personally and emotionally involved in helping you help your pet make their final journey across the rainbow bridge a peaceful crossing.

How do I know it is time?

This is a question that is frequently asked by pet owners when faced with an end of life decision regarding their beloved pet. It is best to remember no simple or single rule can be followed. You will need to ask yourself important questions about the quality of life your pet is experiencing.

  • Measure the quality of life, such as good versus bad days.
  • Monitor the enjoyment of your dog’s life – when they no longer appear to be joyful or happy then it may be time to discuss if the time is close.
  • Keep a journal – this will help you track how your dog is feeling and acting.
  • Remember that you will need strength to make this final decision – it will at some point in time be necessary to help your treasured family member through their final journey.

To be present or not?

This is a personal choice, and there is no right or wrong answer. When the time comes to make this decision the choice to stay or leave is entirely up to you, some people do not wish to have this moment be the last one shared with their beloved pet, others need to be there to offer comfort. Whatever you decide we will be there to support you during this difficult time.

Does the clinic provide bereavement counselling?

We offer support in this your time of grief – but we also have resources available to us to direct you towards professional counselling if the need arises.

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