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Toxicity in Cats
Toxicity in Cats

Toxicity in Cats

Many flea treatments available in pet stores contain permethrins. Unfortunately, cats are not able to metabolize them the same way as dogs, resulting in a toxic reaction.

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Cat’s Meow: Quiz!
Cat’s Meow: Quiz!

Cat’s Meow: Quiz!

Here is a quiz to test your cat breed IQ. Try matching the breeds on the left with the description on the right. 

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Cancer Treatment Options for Pets
Cancer Treatment Options for Pets

Cancer Treatment Options for Pets

As our pet population ages, we are starting to see more cases of cancer; it is estimated that over 50% of dogs over the age of 10 years old will develop some form of cancer.

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Bringing a New Cat Home
Bringing a New Cat Home

Bringing a New Cat Home

Bringing a new cat into a household takes a small amount of planning beforehand – meeting their needs will help to ensure your cat’s long term health and welfare.

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Are You An Ailurophile (Cat Lover)?
Are You An Ailurophile (Cat Lover)?

Are You An Ailurophile (Cat Lover)?

Cats hold a special place in our hearts, if you own one you realize how they are truly a part of your family.  Do you recognize yourself in any of the following statements?

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